Why you should use coir peat and coco chips?

Mia George
2 min readSep 9, 2021


After many researches undertaken by the scientists and agronomists all over the world, it has been found as to why you should use coco peat as substrates.

Excellent Air porosity

· Coco peat maintains excellent air porosity in the substrate at the roots growing area giving healthy plants with faster growing and it leads to have high yield in the end.

Excellent water retention

· Lignified cocopeat gives excellent water retention while you grow the plant at any climate or at any season throughout the year which gives more benefit to the grower and to the industry even if you grow the plant at the time when the demands come.

Irrigation Efficiency

· The ease of re-wetting and the quick drainage characteristics of coco peat mean that coco peat needs to be irrigated less frequently and for a shorter period. This leads to create leaching losses of nutrients and low water use through the dripped irrigations systems.

Faster Germinating time and quick growing

· The inherent qualities of coco peat and optimum water retention and air porosity are ideal for quick rooting and propagation. In many cases this leads to more seedling and rotations per year. A higher percentage of seedling and propagation take up efficient use of greenhouse equipment.

Degrades Lower

· The lignin content of around 45% ensures that the excellent water/air ration is maintained over a longer period of time that is the case with many substrates.

Free from soil diseases

· Because coir originates above ground, it does not contain any soil diseases. In fact, several studies have indicated that coir substrates bring resistance to pithier and other root diseases.

Environmentally Friendly

· Coco peat is the by product which made out of coir fiber using coconut husks. Coconut husk is reusable material which does not lead to environmental pollution such as rock wool and peat moss product.

· Erosion Control Blankets/Coco Mats are made using 100% coconut film.

· Biodegradable soil

· erosion control blankets are one of the most natural ways to stabilize and reinforce soil.

· As the mat stabilizes the soil area, vegetation and other materials are able to take root.

Products Range; — We have a basket of products ranging from Coco Grow Bags to Coco Geotextile, which by and large caters to the specific purposes required by our clientele. They are namely Coco Grow Bags, Planter Bags, Coco Peat 25 Kg Bags, Compressed Coco Peat — 5 Kg, Coconut Husk Chips, Coco Disks, Coco Briquettes — 600 t0 650 gr, Coco Weed Mats, Coir Fiber Bales, Bristle Fiber, Machine Twisted Fiber (FMT), Erosion Control Blankets (coir blanket mats), Coir Geotextiles (Coco Net) etc.

It would be more appropriate to give a product characteristic of each product and their advantages/benefits to end-user in a nutshell.



Mia George

I am Mia George In Texas. I have my own vegetable and fruits farm. I would like share my experiences regarding the Coir growing media.